Thursday, June 30, 2016

Where I stand today.

There are people in life that just come along and are put there to try to steal your joy. I have faced this many times in life. If i were to count how many times.. it would actually take me a good while.

Yesterday i was faced with a devil and it wasn't pretty. I stand clear of making anyone mad at me. I am a servant. I try to make a good standing with everyone and i know you can't make everyone happy and that is the truth. you know what though.. that is on them. well what had happened was the person didn't even know what was even going on and they attacked me and one other person. How could they do that!??! It was not an escalated situation and they turned it into "I'm going to murder you!" kind of situation. Which they accused me of having a problem with someone and that wasn't even the case!! Also that i was not to go to someone to gossip to. Which was not even the case one bit!! I was only  looking for someone to help me get some keys to get some supplies because of a prior situation!!

I was attacked verbally and had fingers in my face! How dare I!? This is what i was told.. . are you serious?! How dare them! For not even knowing a situation they come to me and make it something it was not. People that who are to stand there as your brothers and sisters to band together against evil and they become the dreadful demons we are fighting! I couldn't believe anything i heard or saw, all i could do was control myself and walked away from the situation and later accept an apology that had nothing to do with the incident. How could they do that? How could they stoop so low as to become something they were to overcome? I understand we are all human we make mistakes but to become a ravenous vulture and come at me with accusations and threats. That puzzles me so much!

Just like my dad would tell.. " you can only control you, you be the change and maybe people will follow" well dad i miss you and wish i could talk to you. You were there to give such awesome wisdom; stuff way beyond me.

I wont let people take my joy, i can stand taller today because i have overcome and i did not backlash! I can stand here and truly say I have grown! I have grown to someone i love and would love people to see in action. No longer am I this violent being and not to take peoples crap but to be the bigger person and be the one with fewer words!