Thursday, November 29, 2012

Holidays and the act of kindness...

During the end of the year everyone seems to go either Grinch or saviour on us, why should kindness only once a year??

I understand that Christmas time always brings either the best or worse in all of us.. but what I really wanna talk about is the fact that some people go crazy start donating everything here and there.. but I seem to wonder why just this time of the year? Why not all year, these people aren't just homeless or hurting just one time out of the month...

My husband, our kids and I were homeless jobless and car less about 3 years ago.. we had lost everything!! On top of that a year before I had lost my son, and a during this I had my now 3 year old son. It was devastating, I had no real friends.. I was shunned for whatever reasons and to think these were people that said to call on them when I needed anything, anything all. When I did call on the ones that had insisted i'd call them in the midst of all this. They were no where to be found! I would cry for days! When we did have my car we would sleep in parking lots my mothers house, or "family"'s driveways. Time came for me to have my son and the only time I could get rest in a "real" bed was at the hospital! We left from where we were staying took to a shelter after some other devastating episodes occurred. We stayed there for a week lost 80 dollars worth of baby items because someone else stole them from us,  Only because the shelter left us at a meeting point and never picked us up!! And a nice native blanket my mother had given us as a gift..  we later went to another shelter were we would be for 4 and half months trying to get back on our feet.. it was lovely there we had help from those that really did care, we finally got out, got our new place with the help of an agency. Worked our way up through school moved back to mesa and now giving back as much as we can everyday!

Just because during the season of Christmas seems more convenient to you doesn't mean its convenient for everyone else!! Try and be more understanding, try to think how you would feel if this were to be you and your family.

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